Lazy Sunday, Lazy Week

This has been an interesting last few days, lots going on. However, I have simply trying to keep rather laid back and enjoy the remaining vacation as school starts up again next week In the meantime, here a few random things I have been working on, or checking out on the web these last few days.

First, is this really hilarious “Sushi video”. Its a bit long, but it is totally worth it. Its all about Japanese sushi etiquette from the time you arrive at an Izakaya to the time you leave.

Then there is the ‘The Chronic of Narnia’ rap video that has become a cult hit on the internet. This was a skit originally broadcast on SNL and now has totally taken off. It features doing a rap about going to watch the “The Chronicles of Narnia” but also has a ton of other product placement. Hmmm… could this be the new face of advertising?

I bought an old laptop, a Dell C600. I got a really good deal on it, $75.00. Now I removed the Windows OS on it and installed Ubuntu Linux. I want to use this to learn Linux better, especially since I will be able to carry it around with me. I will keep up all updated with my progress.

This week I will be taking down my servers and moving them to a new hosting company. Although this service is not too bad, I am actually paying too much for what I am getting. In addition, there are a number of additional services that I will get including spam blocker for my email service. It never ceases to amaze me how much spam people still send… and of course, if no one was buying anything, there wouldn’t be people sending out spam.

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