Caffè Artigiano Coffee House

Caffe Artigiano Coffee House

Caffe Artigiano Coffee House, originally uploaded by andai.

I first visited one of the Caffè Artigiano shops a couple of years back on one of my previous visits to Vanvouver BC. I had passed by the one on Hornby Street, just off of Robson a couple of times and I really liked the interior decor so I made it a point to drop in. At that time I was simply enjoying good coffee so I wasn’t making a point of finding out anything about the beans used etc.

I also don’t remember too much about their coffee except that I remember that I really enjoyed drinking it and taking pictures in the shop. I also went back to the store at least one more time during my short visit at that time. And the only reason that I didn’t go back to Artigiano this last time I visited was the fact that I wanted to check out some new shops and also revisit Sciue but I have placed Artigiano on the revisit list for sure.

Finally, I don’t know how many stores they had at that time when I visited, but it seemed this last time around that they are growing in popularity. I base that conclusion simply on the fact that I noticed that there were a number of people I saw in the streets who were carrying Artigiano coffee cups… and that must say something…

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